During my life there have been many, many good times, many happy memories,
many events, many situations and circumstances. There have been very "up" times and some "down" times. There are
alot of people that helped me along and through my many "trials and tribulations". I want to mention a few of them.
I'm sure I will leave out alot but they are never forgotten.
I thank God for my Dad and my Mom. You couldn't have asked for any better
than they were. There were moments that weren't always great but they were always there for me. They loved me
and I loved them very much.
I am thankful I have a loving husband that accepts me for who I am, even
though I can be a real pain. We've had many years together, we've divorced and remarried and even though we've had our
share of problems, frustrations and general gripes through the years he's always been there for me. To love me, take
care of me and try to understand me.
Thank you to both my wonderful daughters. Both have always been there for
me in good times, bad times, at my best, at my worst and through the hardest time of all, when I cared for Mom, their "Nannie"
the last 6 weeks of her life. They are both so very special and unique. I love them both very much.
Thank you God for my grandson, Zachary. Without him there would have
been times we would have all fallen apart. But he was there to make us smile, that he loves us and there are reasons
you go on with your life, even when life seems so unfair.
Thank you Leo, my special friend. Without you getting involved in my
life I probably never would have changed my life or my priorities. You believed in me, taught me how to believe
in myself and accept the peace and serenity life has to offer. You never gave up and didn't let me pull
anything over on you. You understood me because you'd been on that
very same pathway in your life. Words aren't enough to express how grateful I am to you. Thank you.
Susan McClain, such a special friend. Helping me through the weeks
with Mom, giving support when I needed it and listening when I needed to talk. You came into my home and put my mom
at ease in her last days. It was as if you'd always known her. You helped get her ready for her funeral.
You are such a special and dear friend.
My mom's brothers, Uncle Louis, Uncle Edward, Uncle Jimmy and Uncle
Freddie, their wives and mom's sister, Aunt Tina. Thank you all for being there before and when Mom had gone.
It meant alot to me to have you all here. She loved all of you so much. She was very proud of all of you.
Uncle Louis and Aunt Marie thank you for the trip to Italy. It was
just what I needed after mom's passing away to let me have peace for awhile. I'll never be able to tell you both
what the trip meant to me.
Thank you to all of the Italians, my family and Aunt Marie's family.
They were all the most wonderful, kind and caring people I've ever known. I am so very glad I got to travel to their country,
my grandfather's home and meet them. Hopefully I'll see them again. Mom loved them all and I can understand why
now that I've met them.
There are many more people I could mention but it would take forever to
name them all. A very special thank you to the Hospice group here in Louisville. From the beginning to the end
they were the kindest, most helpful people, concerned, thoughtful, informative, but mainly they were so kind to my mom.
The work they do is work that many, many people could never do. They are simply the "best".
But above all thank you God. I asked you many times through the years
to help me deal with and overcome many things and you did. But the most important thing I ever asked you was to give
me the strength, courage and ability to care for my Mom her last 6 weeks and 1 day of life. There were times I felt
physically,emotionally and mentally unable to carry on. I promised my Mom I would keep her at home and do the best I
could to care for her. She always said it was too much on me and I told her I'd manage. There were times I wanted
to break down and cry and wish it would just go away. But with your help I made it to the end. My husband, daughters
and others were very helpful even though it tore them apart inside. Thank you God you helped me through the hardest
time of my life and you took my Mom home where she is with my Dad and they don't have to suffer anymore.