My Dreams, Hopes and Beliefs
My Dreams, Hopes and Beliefs
My Dad
My Mom
Special Critters
Vacation Photo Album
Our Italian Relatives
My Elusive Dream
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This page reflects lessons I've learned, my hopes and dreams and everyday thoughts about this and that.  Some I've come across on the internet and some things I learned from my personal experiences.  Not all experiences are pleasant or good but I believe they have a purpose.  Possibly to make you stronger, more compassionate towards others, whatever the reason I believe that's God's plan for you and you will grow and learn from what you go through in your life. I've also added some favorite sayings I've come across on the Internet.  These thoughts give good insight into everyday life and experience.




I certainly believe in Angels.  I've had them watching over me a good part of my life.  I believe in miracles, love and dreams.  Without dreams where would we be.  Dreams are the hopes of men and women.  Some may seem silly, some may be impossible to achieve but they give you a purpose, a meaning to life.  And there are days we all need to believe in our dreams if for no other reason than to keep our sanity.
I believe strongly about some things and have opinions about this and that.  I am a romantic.  I believe in the Knight in Shining Armor and the Princess.  I believe in fate and in destiny.  I know that marriage is hard work if you want it to work.  But it takes two.  One can't carry the load or handle it all on their own.  Communication is important to the relationship just as honesty, trust and dedication are.  It's important to NOT take each other for granted.  Little surprises, stolen moments, foolishness every now and then keep the romance alive.
I believe there are no "perfect" people.  I try not to judge or condemn anyone.  My Mom told me once that you never know what road you'll travel so don't talk about someone else's mistakes.  I think you are here on earth to travel a road and experience life in a way that's already been predetermined for you.  If you make mistakes and learn from them I think you have grown stronger and gained insight into an area others may never know about or understand.
I believe in this country, the U.S.A. and our President, George Bush.  I am proud to be an American.  Anyone that lives in this country should feel the same.  There are people of many nationalities that reside in the US.  That's good because the United States opens it's arms to all people, just a little more cautiously now.  I watched the events of September 11th unfold.  I sat in disbelief just as millions of other Americans did.  It's beyond my comprehension to begin to understand the evil minds that brought about the devastation we witnessed.  And to turn to their religion to justify the cause. 
 I believe in God, his Son, Jesus and there isn't anyway my God or his Son would condone such an act of hate and terror.
My prayers go out to the men and women that lost their lives that day, their families will never be the same and the valiant work done by the Police, Fire and Rescue workers, the Hospital workers, the Mayor, and so many more in New York and the many that traveled to New York to help. 


I belong to the HSUS ( Humane Society of the United States) and the ASPCA.  I love animals and would have more than I have now if I had the ways and means to take care of them all.  I have two dogs, a Shiz-tsu named Max and Rusty a miniature Daschund and two cats, Spike and Maggie.  I think of my pets as if they are members of my family.  I have had several dogs, a couple of other cats, hamsters, a guinea pig, turtles, snails and goldfish over the years.  There are many strays I have taken care of and found homes for.  I believe in animal rights.  Pets bring comfort to you when you're lonely, upset or just having a bad day.  They depend on you for their care and they give unconditional love.  They listen when you need to talk and never repeat your words to anyone.  They just cock their heads and let you go on and on. Who or what else does that?
The hardest thing is knowing when it's time to let go and put your pet out of any misery, pain or discomfort it is having.  I know I've had to do this several times and it never gets easier.  But it's a true act of love and unselfishness and must be done at some point.   I believe that people who aren't willing to commit to caring for an animal should never get one.  They need alot of attention, TLC and good, quality care.  I don't imagine I'll ever not have a dog or a cat even though it's so painful when it's their time to go.  But I think it would be much worse to never experience the devotion they have for you.

Click here to visit a site with adoptions, animal rights and stories of true heroes




The Serenity Prayer, my favorite, taught to me by a very special person that crossed my path and taught me to believe in myself and never give up.  Thank you Leo.


GOD, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change,
Courage to change the
things I can,
and the Wisdom
to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardship as the
pathway to peace.

Taking, as He did, this
sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it.

Trusting that He will make
all things right if I
surrender to His Will;

That I may be reasonably happy
in this life, and supremely
happy with Him forever in
the next.










All of the verses I've added aren't mine.
They are just a few out of many I've seen
or heard and really enjoy.